* Private One on One Tailored & Personalised – “Yoga2u4u has the insight to work out what people are comfortable with mentally & physically,” “demonstrations are very helpful,” “not information overload,” “liked the relaxed restorative style", like the body tone energising yoga sequences but also like the mind meditative sequences,” “definitely tailored to individual needs.”
* Schools + OSHC –"a fantastic program and we look forward to working with you again new term,""feedback from 2 educators that they have never seen the children so calm - in my book calm children + relaxed & happy staff - so well done again," “students were highly engaged and there was a noticed difference in their energy levels & attitudes,” “well suited for the age group,” highly professional,” highly recommended,” “very positive towards the children encouraging them to’ have a go,’” “change in students becoming more aware of their bodies & better control of them,” “favourite part (including the teacher - the relaxation / breathing / meditation,” ”extremely relatable to the children on their level,” “yoga2u4u has been a breath of fresh air,” “the children loved every minute of the sessions,” “can see the benefits of yoga throughout their schooling,” “boy aged 8 stated yoga was his favourite class / subject.”
* School – particular class with short attention spans, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, trauma & challenging behaviours – “amazing results, children instantly calm and in control through Yoga2u4u techniques through education and engagement,” “highly recommended,” “very good at explaining with clear and calm voice.”
*Senior Year 7 – Mental Health & Well being going on into High School – “all children showed respect for yoga through silence & learning how to settle their minds through breathing techniques & meditation.”
* In lieu of training - netball & soccer – “participated well, calm and gained benefits & knowledge of yoga generally,” “helped with flexibility, concentration and focus.”
* Corporate meditation – life skills - “exceptional,” a high calibre service,” “100% said they felt happier and relaxed,” “80% would like future bookings,” ”very well done.”